eSports – a passing fad or the next big thing?

Jerseys, sold out stadiums, million dollar prize pools, and diehard fans – yet no physical sports are going to be played. Instead?  People are going to turn to video games to settle their differences.

In recent years, videogames (and all that is associated with them) have grown exponentially.

As eSports continues to grow, so has the interest from some of the biggest companies in the world. Take the recently formed ‘100 Thieves’ eSports organisation; they have recently acquired sponsorships from both Red Bull and Taquitos, as well as gaining investment from musical superstar Drake.

Not only are big stars and big organisations recognising the potential eSports proposes, even bigger sports teams are. For example, Man City has recently hired a professional FIFA player to represent them in all upcoming FIFA tournaments. And these prize pools for these tournaments aren’t pennies either. The most recent FIFA tournament had a winners prize of $1million, certainly not an amount to be snubbed at.

All of these, as well as a culmination of other reasons, are why eSports is expected to be a $1.65Billion industry by 2021. The eSports sphere is growing rapidly and is showing no signs of slowing down. With a future so bright, there’s no wonder why large corporations are jumping on this bandwagon.

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