Fortnite eSports going to be a big hit?

The last few years has seen a real surge in the development of esports as the gaming industry has become more competitive. Many talented gamers are playing for huge sums of monetary prizes which is increasing the interest from normal gamers to progress and improve to reach an elite level.

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Fortnite which was released in July 2017 took off and became a craze for many gamers and has since developed to become an eSports game. Many fans around the world are keeping a close eye on the fortnite esports world cup which is coming up later this year which would see the likes of Ninja, the top ranked fortnite player, compete for prize pools worth millions.

The rise of fortnite has been interesting, as the free to play game has drawn millions of users and has that addictive element to it. But approaching the 2nd anniversary of its release we will see for the first time how it compares to other eSports events such as FIFA and Call of Duty.

There are already a few rising stars as previously mentioned Ninja has millions of follows that watch him play fortnite via streaming on Twitch. This is because he is considered the best fortnite player and that is attractive for many fortnite fans to watch because they can learn and enhance their skills. This audience will likely follow him through the esports events which guarantees a large audience for the esports world cup. Fortnite fans are excited to see these elite players all in the same place playing to be the best and how the event compares to other esports events.

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eSports FIFA review

FIFA esports has really kicked off since FIFA 16 where EA introduced a new game feature in FIFA Ultimate Team, known as FUT Champions. This added the competitive element that FIFA fans had been missing for years. Both the tournaments and players have progressed since then and FIFA 19 promises to produce the biggest eSports competitions yet.


There are many eSports competitions throughout the year which FIFA fans can follow and watch the best players go head to head live to win huge life changing prizes. The most attractive one which many of the elite players will have their eyes on is the upcoming FIFA eSports World cup where the best players throughout the year will get the opportunity to be part of.

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This years eSports World cup looks set to be bigger than any other with many new faces trying to make a name for themselves whilst the previous winners aim to retain their title. From the previous FUT Champions Cup in February there is a clear advancement in the ability of players from both XBOX and PS4 users. There is usually controversy over the toughest console to play but this year it’s not debatable that both look strong going into the esports world cup. Ultimately, this years competition looks to be more promising than any others and you can follow more updates through us here.

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Call of Duty – the cash cow of the eSports world?

Call of Duty is a hot topic in modern eSports; with many claiming that it’s a dying eSport, and ma ny others arguing the polar opposite. With a new title being released yearly, this eSport gets refreshed far more often than other competing FPS games, and with the occasional rendition of CoD being regarded as a bad game, there are times where you can make a strong argument in favour of it dying.

With a new release every year, enthusiasm took a massive hit during the WW2 season, both pre and post launch. The gameplay itself has become far more inconsistent, and in turn, fans have become far more critical. Sales figures were gradually declining, and Activision has become far out of touch with their games fanbase.

In spite of all of this, and with the release of Black ops 4 in mid-October 2018, Call of Duty has since gained 6.2m followers on Twitch in just under 5 months, also achieving record numbers of viewers and reaching the highest number of concurrent viewers on a single Call of Duty stream at one given point. Pro players stream the game daily, and along with this, Activision, the creators of Call of Duty, hold multiple events per year, often selling out immediately. Along with an increase in the number of yearly events, prize pools have risen astronomically.

Going into the 2018/19 season, there have been talks of Franchising within Call of Duty. If this was to go forward, The CoD eSport would receive a massive injection of cash, as well as viewers through association.

So to summarise, Call of Duty as an eSport has been given new realms of growth with the release of the new title, and it’s a much fairer point to say that as an eSport, Call of Duty is not dying, but evolving into something far more commercialised and new, much like Overwatch.

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eSports – a passing fad or the next big thing?

Jerseys, sold out stadiums, million dollar prize pools, and diehard fans – yet no physical sports are going to be played. Instead?  People are going to turn to video games to settle their differences.

In recent years, videogames (and all that is associated with them) have grown exponentially.

As eSports continues to grow, so has the interest from some of the biggest companies in the world. Take the recently formed ‘100 Thieves’ eSports organisation; they have recently acquired sponsorships from both Red Bull and Taquitos, as well as gaining investment from musical superstar Drake.

Not only are big stars and big organisations recognising the potential eSports proposes, even bigger sports teams are. For example, Man City has recently hired a professional FIFA player to represent them in all upcoming FIFA tournaments. And these prize pools for these tournaments aren’t pennies either. The most recent FIFA tournament had a winners prize of $1million, certainly not an amount to be snubbed at.

All of these, as well as a culmination of other reasons, are why eSports is expected to be a $1.65Billion industry by 2021. The eSports sphere is growing rapidly and is showing no signs of slowing down. With a future so bright, there’s no wonder why large corporations are jumping on this bandwagon.

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Gaming Gear

There is a growing number of strategic games where the mouse, keyboard or controller in use must be of the highest quality and ensure high performance. Most PC and console titles are becoming more complex every year to the point where the standard controller, mouse and keyboard are simply not effective enough for players anymore. A number of PC gamers and console gamers want to be able to customize their equipment to a certain way that it caters to their needs. It has gotten to the point where companies are created with the sole purpose of creating gaming equipment dissimilar to that of the standard equipment.

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One example is Scuf Gaming, a global leader and innovator in esports when it comes to best hardware. It provides tactical gear for those elite gamers that want to take their gameplay to the next level. It received the “Best Hardware Award” in 2016 for delivering high-performance customized gaming controllers and PC equipment with a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. It was built to cater to competitive and casual gamers.

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Another example of good gaming gear is Razor equipment, it the world’s largest gamer-focused ecosystem of hardware. Its main focused is to produce highly effective PC gaming equipment, moreover it’s Mice and Keyboard have received a number of accolades winning the “Best Wireless Gaming Mouse” and the “Best Gaming Keyboard” respectively.

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Either one of these company’s equipment will drastically enhance your overall gameplay and take it to the next level.

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Enhance your Skills.

Gamers are always  looking for different ways to improve their gaming skills for playing competitive games on eSports, streaming on Twitch or just to become better at gaming. Consequently, leading to the need for players to use every method available to improve their gaming abilities. This blog will talk about the different ways players can enhance their skills. Image result for twitch

The most important being an ability called hand-eye coordination or motor coordination which is the skill to carry out activities that require the synchronised use of both hands and eyes, it uses the visual spatial perception (eyes) to guide hands to carry out a movement. Most activities done on a day-to-day basis require a level of hand eye coordination, thus the reason why it is imperative to develop this as much as possible.

Gaming requires a good level of motor coordination to play at a really fast pace, or to react as quickly as possible, which is why there is a need to train and execute drills dedicated to enhancing motor coordination. CogniFit is a professional tool committed to enhancing such abilities with drills, stimulations and knowledge.

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Another method for improving gaming ability is called “first-person shooter aim practice” which is, basically, improving your aim and learning how to aim at a target as quickly as possible. The fastest way to achieve this is by practice, practising everyday on whichever fps game will dramatically increase your aiming speed, in addition, knowing the best way to hold your mouse, or controller, the best gear to improve aim, and the best methods for aiming will definitely further your overall gaming ability. There is a plethora of exercises to enhance gaming ability on the internet, the trick is knowing the best one that suits you.

There are still a lot of ways to enhance your gaming ability, be sure to check back for more knowledge.

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